
Dr.-Ing. Henning

Founder PhytoEffekt

Natural plant substances for a health-promoting diet

Research for a good gut feeling.

We use the latest findings from research and science to exploit the effects of natural plant substances for a health-promoting diet. This is also in our name, which combines PHYTO (Greek for plant – φύτον ) with measurable effect (EFFECT).

We pay special attention to the intestinal microbiome, which exerts a large influence on the state of health of our body that goes far beyond the intestine. Sensible dietary supplementation 2021 aims at the recovery of the microbiome by increasing the growth of the "good bacteria" with suitable plant substances and as a result generating positive signaling molecules (metabolites) that have a systemic effects throughout the body and which can prevent, cure or mitigate suffering.

PhytoEffekt provides scientific summaries on health and nutrition topics

We don't believe what plants can do. We know it.

PHYTOEFFEKT was founded by Dr.-Ing. Henning Rosenfeld, who is one of the leading scientists in the field of phytochemistry. One of the focal points of his work at the University of Hamburg was the development of biotransformations for the modification of plant substances including the determination of the resulting activity profile.

Flavonoids or polyphenols are ubiquitous in edible plants and an essential part of the human diet. Flavonoids are bioactive molecules that have no nutritional value but have health-promoting potential. Their dynamic and diverse interactions with intestinal microorganisms significantly determine the human state of health. For far too long, the intestinal flora has been ignored in the development of new remedies, in the description of disease progress or in evidence-based medicine. The mutual influence of the phytochemicals and the microbiota determines the bioactivity of the plant substances. The phytochemicals are prebiotic, i.e. they improve the abundance, diversity and function of the microbial community. PhytoEffekt publishes at irregular intervals summaries of the latest scientific findings from the field of microbiome research,which can be used by people who want to do something for their health through nutrition. 

Lesen Sie hier wissenschatliche Abhalfungen, Beiträge, News und Fachartikel

Beiträge, News und Fachartikel aus dem PhytoEffekt© Blog

Naringenin und Covid-19

Das Flavanon Naringenin hat positive Wirkungen auf die Lunge und wurde schon als Mittel gegen Covid-19 getestet.

Naringenin und Covid-19

Das Flavanon Naringenin hat positive Wirkungen auf die Lunge und wurde schon als Mittel gegen Covid-19 getestet.

Ein Mini-Diät-Ratgeber

80% aller Hungerkuren scheitern. Um der Statistik des Scheitern entgegenzuwirken, gibt es jetzt etwas gegen den Jo-Jo-Effekt aber auch ein paar grundsätzliche Dinge sollten beachtet werden.